Today treating Hemorrhoids or piles is easier compared to the early day when medical facilities were not available easily. Treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids using THD, also known as transanal hemorrhoidal debacterialization, is comparatively non-invasive. Although the procedure itself is considerably less difficult and painful than open surgery, it would be incorrect to say that the discomfort is absent. If you are looking for the best hemorrhoids surgeon in Dubai, you won’t be disappointed at all.
The amount of pain and suffering experienced by patients during the healing process is nearly equal to what they go through with open surgery treatment. The only difference is that recovery is typically quicker and without the risks that can arise from traditional surgical techniques.
Ways to Get Relief from the Pain after Hemorrhoids Treatment
Most surgeons in Dubai for hemorrhoids provide their patient’s tried-and-true advice to help them manage their pain and discomfort during the healing process. The following are discussed as the most significant and beneficial of these:
One of the best ways to control pain after surgery is to place ice packs on the affected area. However, because of their design, the common ice packs sold in stores are not very useful because they cannot reach the surgery site. To get the relief they need precisely where they need it, patients should make their own specially constructed ice packs. This can be accomplished by freezing a suitably sized diaper after filling it with 3–4 cups of water and putting it in a ziplock bag. These frozen diapers completely conform to the anus area of the patients and offer them significant pain and discomfort relief.
During the healing process, keeping the body at the proper level of hydration requires drinking a lot of liquids. In addition to helping to dissipate the heat produced by post-operative drugs, staying hydrated is important for maintaining the smoothness of stools and preventing constipation. Constipation and hard stools can greatly worsen the patients’ pain and discomfort, which can also lengthen the time it takes for them to recover.
Patients frequently experience intense itching at the surgical site, especially after using the restroom. The inability to scratch can be highly annoying and even stressful, although this is a necessary component of the healing process. In these situations, patients should use a lotion recommended by an experienced hemorrhoids surgeon in Dubai doctor to prevent scratching the surgery site’s raw skin. In addition to easing their pain after using the restroom, this will assist them in overcoming their itching.
Patients should refrain from cleaning their anus after bowel movements with wet baby wipes or toilet paper. This is because the skin is still very raw after the THD operation, and even a minor abrasion could cause serious complications. Instead, patients should utilize spray bottles to disinfect the area around their anus after each bowel movement. This will reduce the risk of further harm in the area from an inadvertent rough rub or even a protruding fingernail in addition to preventing the needless irritation of the surgical site.
Patients must eat the right kind of foods to effectively control pain and suffering during the healing process. For the first several weeks following surgery, they should consume a lot of veggies and soups. This not only hastens the healing process but also gives the patients the necessary nutrients and energy to get back to their daily routines. It’s crucial to stay away from all starches and binders for at least a month following surgery.
Following the above-mentioned advice can considerably reduce the pain and suffering experienced during THD healing. If you wish to seek any help or are not sure about anything, then Dr. Ali Reza is there to help you in all possible ways! Being the best hemorrhoids surgeon in Dubai, he will give you the proper advice and you can live a life with ease.