Hiatal Hernia Surgery
Hiatal Hernia Surgery in Dubai by Dr. Ali Reza
When the top section of your stomach keeps rising through your ribcage and into your chest, you have a hiatal hernia. Between your abdomen and chest is the diaphragm, a big muscle. This muscle assists you in breathing. Normally, the stomach is below the diaphragm, but a part of the stomach rises through the muscle in persons with a hiatal hernia.
Types of Hiatal Hernia Surgery
There are two types of Hiatal Hernia, namely: -
Symptoms of Hiatal Hernia
Even corrected Hiatal hernias are uncommon to cause symptoms. If you do get symptoms, it’s usually from, bile, stomach acid, or air getting into your esophagus. Symptoms that are common include:
When you lean over or lie down, your heartburn grows worse.
Causes of Hiatal Hernia
Hiatal hernias can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
Risk factors
Many Hiatal hernias are caused by unknown factors. Injury or other damage to muscular tissue might weaken it in certain persons. Your stomach will be able to push through your diaphragm as a result of this. Another cause is repeatedly exerting too much pressure on the muscles surrounding your stomach. This can occur if:
Some persons have an excessively large pause at birth. This makes it easier for the stomach to move through. A hiatal hernia can be caused by several factors, including:
Surgery for a Hiatal Hernia
Repairing bigger Hiatal hernias and treating heartburn symptoms may necessitate surgery. If your reflux symptoms are not managed by medication or you have a form of hernia termed a gigantic esophageal hernia, also known as intrathoracic stomach, Hiatal hernia surgery is recommended.
Types of Hiatal hernia surgery
Although most Hiatal hernias may be addressed with lifestyle changes or medication, some patients will require surgery to correct them. A hiatal hernia can be repaired by tightening your diaphragm and drawing the stomach back into the abdomen from the chest cavity.
Depending on the stage of your hiatal hernia, a surgeon may prescribe surgery.
Common surgical options are:-
Hiatus repair surgery Sutures and prosthetic mesh are used to tighten and shrink the enlarged hiatus. It’s the opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus travels on its route to the stomach. It is used for early-stage Hiatal hernias to keep your stomach from bulging upward through the hiatus.
Treatment/Repair (open and Laparoscopic) of Hiatal hernia
Surgery to fix a hiatal hernia usually takes 2 to 3 hours and is performed under general anaesthesia, which means you’ll fall asleep and won’t feel any discomfort. Different procedures are available for repairing a hiatal hernia in Dubai:
Book an Appointment for Hiatal hernia surgery in Dubai UAE
If you are looking forward to an experienced surgeon for Hiatal hernia surgery in Dubai, Dr. Ali Reza is the name you can trust. Having many years of experience and expertise in handling different types of surgery related to hernia, you too will get a solution for your problem. Book an appointment today!
Many patients with Hiatal hernias don’t have any symptoms and don’t require medical attention. However, for patients with more severe hernias, lifestyle changes, medication, and, in some circumstances, surgery may be required. Losing weight and quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, eating smaller portions, restricting certain fatty foods, and eating meals at least 3 to 4 hours before lying down will all assist with hiatal hernia symptoms.